Our Story

In summer 2021, I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. To say I was confused would be an understatement – I’d never had a sweet tooth. However, it took the Diabetes diagnosis for me to realize I’d been far from effective at managing my diet.

Taking matters into my own hands, I started researching. I made it my mission to empower myself by understanding how my own body works. That’s when Sarah Hallberg’s video on diabetes popped up, instantly inspiring me and completely changing my life.

Shortly after starting the Keto diet with intermittent fasting, I dropped 40 pounds in three months – but more importantly, my blood sugar returned to normal, as did my life. That’s why I launched Sugarnull, a healthy and delicious way to replace sugar in your daily life.

I want to change – and perhaps save – as many lives as possible by helping people take the power back into the own hands. By understanding your body, you can discover what you need to do to feel healthy in that body. 

I’m beyond excited to welcome you into the Sugarnull family.